An XAPK file is a package used to install Android apps on mobile devices. It is similar to the standard .APK format, but may contain other assets used by the app, such as an .OBB file, which stores graphics, media files, and other app data. XAPK files are used for distributing GetAPK Market APK apps on third-party Android app download websites. They are not supported by Google Play. Because XAPK files are not standard app Super One Click APK installer packages, they must be installed manually or installed using an XAPK installer. After downloading an XAPK file, you can install the app (the APK Easy Rooting Toolkit APK file stored in the package) to an Android device using XAPK Installer. If you would like to manually install the additional files, you can unzip the XAPK file (which is a standard .ZIP file) and place the extracted files in the appropriate location on your device. MTK Engineering Mode APK...